The Peruvian State formalized the creation of the Ausangate Regional Conservation Area (ACR) in Cusco through Supreme Decree No. 012-2019-Minam in order to conserve the Biological wealth that counts the place.

Nevado Ausangate

The Ausangate Snowfall comprises an area of 66,514 hectares and is located between the district of Ocongate (Quispicanchi) and the districts of Pitumarca and Checacupe (Canchis), which as of this date are delimited for protection work.

According to Article 2 of the aforementioned supreme decree, the objective of the Ausangate Regional Conservation Area is to conserve a representative sample of the Puna ecoregion of the Central Andes of Cusco, which contains a high biological, landscape and water regulation value.

The extension includes the snowfall of the Ausangate massif and the areas associated with it, so the ACR will contribute to reducing the vulnerability of fragile species and ecosystems to climate change and thereby ensure the ecosystem services they provide for the benefit local, regional and national.

Learn Spanish at Wiracocha Spanish School when you know Cusco, Peru to visit and learn a lot about the culture of the Andes.