For this year of 2017, Holy Week is celebrated in the month of April, beginning with Palm Sunday on April 9 until Resurrection Sunday that will be on April 16, 2017.

As in many parts of the world, Cusco also participates in the celebration of Holy Week, this celebration being an important event for christian faithful, allowing spiritual recollection and remembering the life, passion and death of Jesus. But in Cusco, cultural elements of their own are added to this celebration. Below we give you a guide of the activities that will take place during this celebration.

Palm Sunday – April 9

This celebration begins with Palm Sunday, where parishioners attend the different churches or temples of the city, carrying with them crosses, these can be thorns or made of palm leaves, which are taken to the temples to make them bless and then be placed behind the door of the parishioners’ houses, as a symbol of protection for their homes.

Palm Sunday

Holy Monday – April 10

Holy Monday in Cusco is celebrated with the procession of the “Lord of the Tremors” (Señor de los Temblores). This tradition was established after the devastating earthquake that Cusco suffered, on March 31, 1650, being the reason why the Lord was designated as “Jury Master” (Patrón Jurado) of Cusco.
This procession is performed with a great emotional and faith burden, which has been inherited for generations; During the procession the attending faithful sprinkle red crimson flowers known in the city as “ñujchu” which symbolizes the blood of the MotherEarth “Pachamama”.

Señor de los temblores - wiracochaschool

Recommendations for the audience attending the procession:

  • Bring umbrellas or plastic ponchos.
  • Do not carry wallets, wallets, jewelry, money and things of value.
  • If you go with minors, you should be told that if they get lost they should ask for help from police, firefighters, serenazgo, municipal police officers.
  • Protect the walls during the accompaniment or participation of the procession.
  • Do not throw debris into the street.
  • Locate emergency exits and safety zones during the activity.
  • In cases of emergency, the instructions of the brigade responsible for security must be obeyed.

Thursday Holy – April 13

This day the archbishop of the cathedral of Cusco performs the washing of feet of twelve elders, in memory of the washing that Jesus performs to his apostles.
On this day the families of Cusco gather in their homes to enjoy the 12 dishes remembering the “Last Supper” performed by Jesus and his apostles. Also in Plaza San Francisco and in the Central Marke t(Mercado Central de San Pedro)  you can buy sweets and desserts such as: empanadas, maicillos, sighs, mazamorra, among others.

Last Supper

Holy Friday – April 14

This day the procession of the Cross begins in the Plaza San Francisco in the early hours of the morning and ends at dawn on the hill of Sacsayhuaman.
This day also in the markets and some squares of the city, is held the “Hanpi Qhatuy” or “Hanpi Rantikuy”, which is a popular fair in which many people from the provinces bring from their communities, plants and Medicinal herbs, making this fair a stage of ancestral knowledge for the natural treatment of diseases.
Finally, the procession of the Holy Sepulcher accompanied by the Virgin Dolorosa takes place in the afternoon, in which many faithful walk the streets calling for more parishioners and filling the streets with a particular ritual atmosphere.

Holy Sepulcher

Saturday of Glory / Sunday of Resurrection – 15 and 16 April

On the night of the Saturday of Glory in many churches the ceremony of the Light is performed, prelude to the Sunday of Resurrection, the day on which Holy Week ends, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.


Cusco also demonstrates its customs for this celebration, Wiracocha School offers accommodation services for you to stay and participate in our parties.